Can I read eBooks from public libraries on the tolino eReader? Want to borrow eBooks, but do it digitally? Public libraries let you borrow eBooks from a library anywhere in Germany, Austria, Switzerland, and other countries. Smaller libraries often join forces to launch an online lending service together. You can use the library’s website to borrow the desired eBooks and download them to your tolino eReader. Borrowing eBooks from a public library is easy using the built-in Web browser on your tolino eReader. eBooks that you borrow and download here are automatically stored to your tolino eReader, where they are available to read right away. You can also use your tolino eReader to return eBooks that you have borrowed from digital library services. Important note: eBooks borrowed using software version 12.2.0 or higher are decrypted using the new digital rights management. With older software versions, the borrowing process typically requires an Adobe ID. The Adobe ID determines the due dates when you borrow eBooks using your tolino eReader. As soon as the due date passes, the eBook no longer opens on the tolino eReader. You can register an Adobe ID using the quick and easy process offered on the Adobe website.