How do I log in on my tolino eReader? To order eBooks on your tolino eReader and access eBooks that have already been purchased or your tolino library, you need to log in using your login details. To do this, click “Log in now” on the home screen of your tolino eReader or select “My accounts” in the main menu and then “Log in now.” If you do not yet have a customer account, you can also create a new account here. The “My accounts” area also gives you an overview of all accounts where you are logged in on the tolino eReader, such as your Adobe DRM account, which is used to read copy-protected eBooks. Please note: If you buy your tolino eReader from a tolino bookseller, the reader is pre-set to that bookseller’s shop. If you want to change the bookseller shop later on, you can use the tolino library link function to quickly and easily combine the shops.