My content failed to update/synchronize. How do I resolve this issue with tolino? The tolino cloud saves and synchronizes all of your reading progress, notes, highlighting, bookmarks, collections and newly purchased or downloaded content up to date across all of your devices (tolino eReader, tolino webreader and tolino app). If this does not work properly, you should first check that you are logged in to the same customer account on your devices and in the tolino cloud. tolino cloud is an online storage system, and as such it requires a stable internet connection to successfully update your data on each of your devices. Should you be on the go and reading an eBook without online connectivity, it may be the case that your reading progress cannot be synchronized with the tolino cloud. However, you can update your progress manually at any time in the tolino app. To do so, simply tap on the update symbol in the top right of the “My books” or “My audiobooks” screen. Your content will be updated in full as soon as you connect to the internet.