My tolino eReader isn’t responding. What do I do? In rare cases, the screen may “freeze” and your tolino eReader may stop responding. In this case, please perform a reset. Please follow the specific instructions for your device. If you are unsure which device you are using, please contact your bookseller’s customer service department and describe your tolino in detail so that you can perform the correct reset procedure to avoid hardware damage. tolino epos, tolino epos 2, tolino epos 3, tolino vision 5, tolino shine 3, tolino shine 4, tolino page 2. Press and hold the power button for about 10-15 seconds. Please be patient here and keep pressing the switch until you see the recovery page. Here you will be offered 3 options to choose from. Please choose the option “Start the system” which is automatically highlighted in black. If this is not the case, navigate through the options by briefly pressing the on/off switch. Once the correct function is selected, press the power button for about 3 seconds as if you want to turn on the device again. tolino vision 6 Press and hold the power button and the bottom scroll button simultaneously for about 10-15 seconds. Please be patient here and hold the switches until you see the recovery page. Here you will be offered 3 options to choose from. Please choose the option “Start the system” which is automatically highlighted in black. If this is not the case, navigate through the options by briefly pressing the on/off switch. Once the correct function is selected, press the power button for about 3 seconds as if you want to turn on the device again. tolino vision, tolino vision2, tolino vision 3, tolino vision 4, tolino shine, tolino shine 2, tolino page To perform a reset, simply press the reset button. This is located in a small opening on the bottom of your tolino eReader. Insert a bent paper clip, for example, into the opening until you feel a slight resistance. Your tolino eReader will then restart.